Dragonshard Community Update #13

In the thirteenth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides another brief Q&A, two screenshots, and details about an upcoming developer chat. Check it out:

Screenshot Screenshot

The chat details:

July 15, 2005 8:30pm EST

And the two-question Q&A:

Q: What RPG elements are included in Dragonshard?

A: There are lots of RPG elements that would commonly be found in D&D RPG style games – heavy storylines, tons of quests (including branching quests), uncovering lore about the world, the ability to choose what side of a faction you want to help or hurt, and leveling up your units to make them better by earning experience.

Q: Are Heroic characters built in single player mode able to be bought into multiplayer?

A: We are going to try. I can’t say that we will, as it depends on time and the multiplayer platform support, but I’d love to have that.

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