Dragonmarks Coming to Dungeons & Dragons Online

Turbine’s community relations manager stopped by the official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach forums to confirm that Dragonmarks will be introduced in the not-too-distant future. Here’s a list of Dragonmarks discovered by a Risia tester:

Mark of Making (House Cannith, related to repair magic)
Mark of Sentinel (Good ol’ House Deneith, defensive spells)
Mark of Shadow (House Phiarlan, stealth and detection, I believe)
Mark of Healing (House Jorasco, kind of self explanatory)
Mark of Passage (House Orien, teleporting and what not)
Mark of Warding (House Kundarak, trap spells, alarms, etc.)

It’s good to see more Eberron-specific content being added to DDO, differentiating it from other Dungeons & Dragons games.

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