Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Review

After reading through the entirety of David Gaider’s Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne novel, RPGWatch took it upon themselves to let us know if it’s worth our time.

If you have a few more hours to spare and intend to play Dragon Age: Origins, I have no doubt that reading The Stolen Throne will enhance the experience. I’m quite keen to take a tour of the Korcari Wilds and maybe do a little dungeon-crawling in ancient dwarven tunnels myself. The sheer enthusiasm Mr. Gaider has for Ferelden bodes well for the game, and the darkspawn really are cool. On the other hand, if you consider The Stolen Throne purely on its own merits… well, The Lord of the Rings it isn’t, but then again it’s not Eragon either – and that in a good way. It would make for enjoyable enough beach reading, even if it isn’t about to revolutionize the fantasy genre. It certainly exceeded the expectations I had from reading the excerpt published earlier. Not the best – not the worst – but despite its flaws, fresh and easy to like.

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