Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Preview

RPGamer has cranked out a preview of Green Ronin’s tabletop adaptation of Dragon Age, based on what was learned during a conversation with Chris Pramas during GenCon Indy.

The main parts of the Dragon Age RPG will be released in box sets, the first of which will release in late October or early November and cover levels 1-5. While the timing of the release is basically set to coincide with the release of the video game, however, according to Chris, there is no set requirement on which one launches first. If the pen and paper game is ready first, it will be released first. If it is not, it will not be. Currently, three other box sets are planned for the Dragon Age RPG. Set number two, due out in summer of 2010 will cover levels 6-10. Box set number 3 will cover levels 11-15, and the final box set will cover levels 16-20. Each box set will include Game Master and Player manuals and a short adventure. Other adventures, to be published between the box sets, are also planned. Each box set will retail for $29.95.

The first box set is designed to introduce new players to the world of table top role-playing games. It will include a 64-page Player’s Guide with a background on Thedas and the nation of Ferelden, a complete guide to character creation, rules for character classes and talents, a primer on magic, and the basic game rules. It also includes a 64-page Gamemaster’s Guide with advice on the art of game mastering, advanced game rules, and an introductory adventure that plunges the characters right into the world of Dragon Age. The last to items in the box will be a poster map of the nation of Ferelden and three six-sided dice.

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