Dragon Age: Origins Tooltip Statistics Mod

I know a lot of our readers have voiced disappointment in the fact that very little “behind the scenes” statistical info is provided while playing Dragon Age: Origins, so I thought I’d point out this ambitious new mod that expands the game’s tooltips with the exact numbers the game uses for calculating damage, talent durations, attack/defense penalties, and more. The description:

Modifies existing ability, potion, trap and inspiration bonus tooltips to give more detailed information about what various effects are.

Modified entries in the core_en-us.tlk file for ability tooltips to display more detailed information, derived straight from the game’s scripting. Information such as base damage and scaling factors, effect durations, attack/defense buffs/penalties etc. will be shown in ability tooltips.

Note: Some abilities will use ‘SP’ to denote Spellpower (equal to your magic attribute -10). The general format will be _base_damage_ + _scaling_factor_*SP, e.g. Cone of Cold deals 34 + 0.34*SP cold damage, meaning 34 base damage plus 34% of your spellpower attribute.

Difficulty levels affect abilities in certain ways, such as CC (crowd control) effects lasting a shorter duration, damage being reduced, healing reduced and such forth. These tooltip descriptions do NOT reflect these effects.

For the sake of example, here’s the description for Curse of Mortality in a default installation:

The caster curses a target with the inevitability of true death. While cursed, the target cannot heal or regenerate health and takes continuous spirit damage.

And here it is with the mod installed:

The caster curses a target with the inevitability of true death for 20 seconds. While cursed, the target cannot heal or regenerate health and takes 50 + 0.5*SP spirit damage over the entire duration of the effect.

Great stuff. I’ll be installing this one immediately.

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