Dragon Age Origins The Golems of Amgarrak DLC Reviews

Should you be on the fence about whether or not to pick up a copy of BioWare’s latest DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, there are two more reviews to help make up your mind.

The Adrenaline Vault gives it a 3/5:

At the end of the day, your five dollars gets you a few more hours of the grind, and some interesting loot for your pains. In total, Golems of Amgarrak only takes about two hours to complete the first time. At roughly $2.50 an hour, it’s worth the price by normal RPG standards, but it runs a little steep when compared to other Dragon Age expansions. The big bad is more big than bad in the end (though healing is not permitted), but it’s worth an evening’s journey to take out.

While TheTorchOnline gives it a 2/5:

It’s a short adventure only about an hour of playing time but I’m not sure I would have played it for longer, anyway. It was fun to re-enter the Dragon Age world, and to fight golems, but the game quickly became boring and frustrating as I spent most of my time wandering from one dimly lit room to another while trying to avoid getting boxed in by my (much larger) companions. It’s all fun and games having a bronto and a golem on your team until you’re stuck between them in a narrow corridor.

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