Dragon Age: Origins The Golems of Amgarrak DLC Reviews

A couple of early reviews for The Golems of Amgarrak are online, starting with a scoreless but somewhat mediocre take on GreyWardens.com:

The visuals in Amgarrak with the magical dimesions is a nice new look for the Origins experience. However, the difficulty on Normal was definitely not up the challenge that was promised and the package was pretty shallow story-wise and the campaign was very short. Increasing the difficult will only increase the time due to wipes and a bit longer combat against stronger enemies but even then don’t expect to get more than two hours worth of play out of it.

While people may want to know if its (worth) it or not, I don’t really like dealing in those type of determinations. Your $5 will get you about two hours of gameplay, will offer you an innovative new dungeon that will give you a tough time on the hardest difficulties, but not so much when set less than that. If you enjoy hacking up enemies and want to give your Warden another go in a new adventure, go for it. But if you’re looking for a good story and background like we got in Leliana’s Song, take a pass here.

And then there’s this critique on The Examiner:

Amgarrak was fairly short, even for DLC, as it is roughly one hour long. The addition of the puzzle to advance to each section of the ruins did make the game a little bit longer, but it still feels too short and it really had nothing to do with the main story or serve as a backstory, like Return to Ostagar and Leliana’s Song which serve as closure for certain back story from the game.

For 400 Microsoft points for the Xbox 360, 400 BioWare points for the PC and $4.99 for the PlayStation 3 the content is cheaper than previous add-ons and is not too bad of a deal for a fan of Dragon Age, but for those that are new to the series and its add-ons this may not be the first one I would recommend picking up.

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