Dragon Age: Origins The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC Thrall Profiles

BioWare has updated their Dragon Age: Origins wiki with information about two more thralls – the Hurlock Vanguard and Blight Wolf – that will be following our orders in the upcoming Darkspawn Chronicles DLC. A list of vanguard talents:

The targeted darkspawn becomes your thrall, serving until death. Up to three thralls can fight at your command simultaneously. If a thrall disappoints you, use this ability on it again to execute the underperformer.

War Cry
The Vanguard lets out a fearsome cry that gives nearby enemies a penalty to attack. With superiority, nearby enemies are also knocked down unless they pass a physical resistance check.

Shield Pummel
This character follows up an attack with two hits from the shield, dealing normal damage with each attack. If the target fails a physical resistance check, it is stunned. Shield Mastery doubles the character’s strength bonus for each strike.

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