Dragon Age: Origins The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC Thrall Details

BioWare has updated their Dragon Age: Origins wiki with information about the Ogre and the Shriek, two of the “thralls” that will be doing our bidding in the game’s Darkspawn Chronicles DLC. Each has four unique talents that we can make use of, though I think I prefer the Shriek’s skill arsenal:

The shriek strikes at its opponent four times in a frenzy, dealing normal damage each time.

The shriek leaps on its target, dealing normal damage and knocking the target down unless it passes a physical resistance check.

The shriek shrieks, dealing spirit damage to nearby enemies and stunning them unless they pass a physical resistance check. Werewolves caught within the shriek are enraged, gaining a bonus to damage for a short time.

The shriek leaps upon its target, pinning it to the ground and attacking it repeatedly.

Based on the Terrorize description, my guess would be that we’re going to be recruiting some lycanthropes.

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