Dragon Age: Origins The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC Reviews

The weekend brings us a few more scoreless reviews of The Darkspawn Chronicles, should you still be on the fence about whether or not to buy the latest set of Dragon Age: Origins DLC.

First up is Sorcerer’s Place:

All in all this was a pretty decent piece of downloadable content. Problems aside, I found it enjoyable and wish it lasted longer than what it did. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they added DLC like this to Awakening where your PC ends up being one of the intelligent darkspawn, just to see what that would be like. I rate this a 7.5/10 for its enjoyability even with the areas I nitpicked.

Then we have GreyWardens.com:

If the achievements do not wet your whistle, then it is unlikely you will replay Chronicles, especially since there is a major lack of customisation for your Darkspawn and so very few personal choices available during the game.

With SuperHappyFunTimeShow finishing off the list:

If you go into the $5 or 400 Microsoft Point piece of this DLC with the understanding that it is a just a small game add on and not a whole new mini-campaign you should not be disappointed. Sure, this piece of DLC could have been fleshed out with more story, perhaps even with more characterization, but that is not what it is. If you take it for what it is, a brief vision of an alternate outcome of victory by the bad guys, then it become a satisfying romp of death and destruction.

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