Dragon Age: Origins Reviews

I hope you’re ready for some more Dragon Age: Origins reviews, because there are already several new articles since my last review post.

GameShark gives it an “A”:

Ultimately, Dragon Age: Origins is quite possibly the best game ever to come out of Bioware. That alone puts it on the short list for best role playing game ever made. It’s not everything it could or even should have been. There are moments where the graphics, dialog, and general gameplay get in the way of the experience; an AI party member who refuses to stay in a flanking position, a crucial plot twist that is too obviously forced, a seemingly important choice that didn’t seem to have the necessary consequences, or a beautiful, intricate world that is far too restrictive. These faults all pale in comparison to everything that Bioware has gotten right with this game. This is a pure gem that is among the few AAA releases to not only match its hype, but exceed it. The first thing I wanted to do after putting more than 70 hours into finishing it was to start over again with a new character, which is as good a testament as any to how wonderfully addicting it is. On the About Bioware web page, Bioware tells us that its vision is to, (deliver the best story-driven games in the world.) With Dragon Age — mission accomplished.

WorthPlaying gives it an 8.6/10:

Dragon Age: Origins isn’t perfect. At times and without too much subtlety, it groans beneath the weight of the genre’s more infamous tropes. In my 70 hours with it, though, DA’s finer details demonstrate that Bioware’s bards can easily spin their own stories in the same way that they have embellished others while also highlighting where the formula falls short. As an RPG, it entertains with its familiarity and indulges players with an amazingly vast number of things to do. For those of us seeking a deeply storied adventure in which to save the world from the forces of darkness, Dragon Age delivers.

Extreme Gamer gives it a 9.5/10:

If you like the thought of Megan Fox on your lap hating A.D.D. kids with you, if you are in touch with your inner nerd, if you are intelligent and can actually pay attention to a story, and if you love awesome things that are truly full of awesomness that last for a million hours, then get Dragon Age: Origins. Oh! I almost forgot to mention the multiplayer mode.HAHAHAHAHA! Single player only ladies! Get over it. There will still be 12 year olds to scream profanities at you in multiplayer online communities when you are done with this masterpiece.

Gaming Today gives it an 8.5/10:

Regardless of which version you choose, Dragon Age: Origins is a richly detailed, story-driven RPG that fans of the genre absolutely must pick up. If you have the option to do so, I would recommend the PC version of the game, as it brings the most options and the best graphics to the table. However, if a console is your gaming platform of choice, you still owe it to yourself to pick this game up. Just be prepared As with most Bioware RPGs, you can expect to sink over a hundred hours into this game in the first playthrough.

Gameztraffic gives it an 84%:

Ultimately Dragon Age is the equivalent of a chocolate eclair, Initially it seems drab and a little boring, but with enough patience and perseverance there is a real treat in store that many gamers will thoroughly enjoy.

And MyGamer gives it a 9.2/10:

Go do yourself a favor this holiday season. If you’re looking to buy a game for a friend, or even for yourself, buy Dragon Age as it could get overlooked this crowded holiday season.

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