Dragon Age: Origins Reviews

I hope you’re ready for another round of Dragon Age: Origins reviews, because there’s another wave vying for your attention.

The first is at Gameplanet with a score of 9.0/10:

All in all, BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins is a phenomenal RPG. It certainly is one of the most compelling RPGs of all time, and has been designed extremely well. The combat and the party system are excellent with the only let-down being the inconsistent graphics. Though for a game this enthralling and comprehensive we can look past this, in fact we’ll gladly do it.

The second is at Play.tm with a score of 85%:

It has been the best part of a decade in the making, but Dragon Age is a worthy successor to Baldur’s Gate II. That, alone, will be all most people need to hear. It is unmistakably a BioWare game, but nobody makes them quite like they do. I can see myself playing it for hundreds of hours.

The third is at Loot Ninja with a perfect score of 5/5:

If you’re a fan of Bioware games or just classic RPGs in general, you’ll want to grab Dragon Age, if you haven’t already. The game stands as a testament that Bioware can still evolve and refine their tried and true formula for story based games. While it doesn’t do much in the way of groundbreaking mechanics, everything the game does do has been polished to a shine and then some. Solid animations, impressive graphics, a sleek and near flawless interface, all backed by an epic and cinematic score make it my favorite game I’ve played this year, if my favorite RPG in recent memory.

The fourth is at Beefjack with a score of 9.5/10:

As the heir to the throne of classic fantasy RPGs, Dragon Age: Origins ably bears the weight of the crown. Tremendous writing and a rich world complement an innovative battle system that is a mix of Dungeons and Dragons and World of Warcraft.

The fifth is at HellBored with a score of 8.8/10:

While the tale you’re unfolding is certainly a little hackneyed, the addition of a little history does wonders in making it palatable, and the options with regard the dialogue trees, and the very obvious decision-making moments through the game, makes this something unique. Although there may be other games in this genre on the shelf, I don’t think any of them come close to doing what Dragon Age: Origins does. There are times when you really wish you had a mouse and keyboard but all in all, this is about as functional as it can get.

The sixth is at Blend Games with a score of 4/5:

Even if you happen to get the PS3/Xbox 360 versions, you’ll learn to deal with the quirks of the controls. The PC version of the game might be superior but if you’ve got no basis of comparison, you’ll like the console editions just fine. Fans of the RPG genre often tolerate awkward combat mechanics or UI’s because in the end, the story is what’s most important. Story’s exactly what Dragon Age: Origins has in spades. Underneath the vanilla fantasy exterior of Dragon Age: Origins is a long, satisfying adventure.

The seventh is at Hooked Gamers with a score of 9.0/10:

While the Xbox 360 version of Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, it’s not perfect. The graphics are good, if a little washed out, and the frame rate is smooth, but you’ll get far more graphical bang for your buck on a PC. Those looking for a more Baldur’s Gate feel might also be better off with the PC version, as the console versions lack the ability to pull the camera out to a bird’s eye view. PC gamers also get other perks like the developer toolset and mods and better integration with Bioware’s new social network site. However, if you don’t have a computer that will run it, there’s absolutely no reason to not pick up Dragon Age on the Xbox 360. It’s a compelling and massive game with so many choices to make that you’ll want to play it all over again just to see the stuff you missed the first time. With Bioware promising expansions and downloadable content in the near future, this is one game that many RPG fans will be clearing their calendars for for a long, long time.

The eighth is at PlayStation Insider with a score of 9.5/10:

Overall, If you are looking for flashy graphics, supernova-like fireballs, and Oblivion-style beauty environments, look elsewhere. If you are looking for a great RPG that will bring you back to a time where you spent hours upon hours on your favorite RPGs with no concern for “uber grafix,” this game is for you. This will remind you of all the good times you had playing those games, and still present you with graphics that are approximately the equal of The Witcher.

The ninth is at Digital Chumps with a score of 9.6/10:

The sheer presentation of this game makes it epic in every way possible. Folks, this is one of the sleeper hits for this holiday season. The value of a title like this exceeds the asking price, as $59.99 simply doesn’t do it justice. Back in the 90s, this would have been a $74.95 cartridge on the N-64. For a game that wasn’t even half over at the 20-hour mark, you’re looking at a tremendous amount of gameplay that doesn’t get boring. Excuse the loading time and it’s a perfect game. Added to this value is the addition of two DLC quests with the game (they are included) and instantly you need this.

The tenth is at Just Push Start with a perfect score of 5/5:

Dragon Age: Origins is one of the best RPGs to come out this year. With it’s amazing story telling, believable characters and world, and the almost endless ways you can play the game, there is no doubt this is a must own. Even after completing the game over three times, you will find yourself going back for more and more. You can also expect to see a lot of DLC coming out for the game over the next year, which will make you want to play the game even more!

The eleventh is at Wonderwallweb with a score of 8.5/10:

In the end this to me would probably make a great PC game (which others reviews so far suggest it has) but it is not really best suited to a console. If it had real-time action and easier team orders like Mass Effect it would be huge. I really wanted to love this game and even as I still play I am torn, the action and story seems right up my alley but I found the control and stop start fighting a bit too much for my console gaming fix.

The twelfth is at Games2c with a score of 9/10:

For fans of fantasy RPGs cooked almost to perfection, step right up and ring fence a few weekends this dragon’˜s den is one you’˜ll be glad to be invited to.

And the thirteenth is at Level Forty Two with a perfect score of 5/5:

If you’ve ever expressed any interest in fantasy RPGs, Dragon Age is instantly among the best the genre has to offer. Everything works together to pull you into a deep and immersive world. The replay value is obviously quite high, and the longevity is extended with DLC already out and more to come. It is absolutely worth getting, regardless if you’re a die hard fan of the genre or just starting out.

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