Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar DLC Reviews

Despite only being available on the Xbox Live Marketplace for a few hours, reviews of BioWare’s Return to Ostagar addon continue to surface on the Internet.

First up is Alltern8 with a score of 3/10:

Compared to the existing DLC, it’s weak. It doesn’t introduce a cool character like Shale. It doesn’t add to the story and setting like Warden’s Keep. The very minimal ‘˜story’ involved feels like it would have fit in well with the main game, but as its own mission, it’s a weak excuse to grab equipment. I can’t wait for Dragon Age: Awakenings, though. It sounds like a full, meaty expansion that adds value to the game. I can’t say Return to Ostagar adds value to the game, beyond a mindless hour of play. This doesn’t do justice to what’s otherwise a very strong, very well-written title.

Then we have Gamer Limit with a score of 6/10:

To put it bluntly, Return to Ostagar is five dollars and will last you one or two hours. It poses no real challenge or overall benefit in experience and rewards. The best option would be to investigate the weapon and armor received, and see if it is worth the five dollars. However, for me, I can’t help but look around the corner at the expansion and see these upgrades as useless for my end-game characters.

And, finally, MMOMFG with no score:

So what’s my downloading recommendation? If you really enjoy Dragon Age: Origins, then you can’t miss out on this quest. It’s fun and it broadens the experience. In a way, Return to Ostagar achieved the truly difficult for a game: by stirring feelings of duty and a longing of vengeance in me, this quest broke down the digital barrier and elicited true emotions in me, the player. It may be strange that the fuller title hasn’t done so for me yet, but this tiny yet tasty morsel surely has.

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