Dragon Age: Origins PlayStation 3 Patch Released

BioWare has released a patch specifically for the PlayStation 3 version of Dragon Age: Origins, and it surprisingly contains a couple of changes we have yet to see on the PC and Xbox 360 versions.

– Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening expansion pack.

– At higher levels, non-player characters now receive a bonus to armor penetration. This mitigates an unintentional imbalance with well-armored high-level characters, since armor penetration previously did not scale as aggressively as armor itself did.

– Elite-rank enemies (lieutenants) can no longer be shattered. This preserves the intended tactical design of many combat encounters.

– Portraits for summoned creatures were displaying improperly while in the party camp. This no longer occurs.

– All book-based specializations will now automatically unlock once the Warden reaches level 14. Books will still be available from vendors so you can unlock these specializations before level 14.

– Modified game-side achievement system to allow adding new ones.

– Fixed a streaming problem that made props disappear. This no longer occurs.

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