Dragon Age: Origins GamesCom Demo Previews

The Internet is home to another pair of Dragon Age: Origins previews that cover the “choice 2.0” GamesCom demonstration.

First up is MMORPG.com:

Unlike many games where all choices are black and white, good and evil, Dragon Age focuses on shades of gray.

David Silverman, Dragon Age’s Senior Product Manager, stood up and ran us through how he would handle the situation and his logic for doing so. According to him, these ashes, which had been hidden for so long, were too powerful and while they might be hard to get, if they fell into the hands of the enemy, it would make their quest a lot tougher.

He chose to pour some dragon’s blood in the urn and destroy all save a tiny pouch.

And then Ten Ton Hammer covers the ending dragon battle in detail:

The High Dragon, compared to the adventurers, was absolutely enormous, looking like a small house compared to the likes of Leliana, Wynne, and Morrigan. As our party engaged the beast, the creature immediately began to waylay into us, using all of its attacks to destroy the party. But the party did the same to the beast. Wynne and Morrigan stood at range with their magic spells, blasting away at the creature with all sorts of effects that appeared to be based on electricity, fire, and some sort of darker energy that wasn’t completely obvious at first glance. The male protagonist stood at the front lines with his sword-and-board, hacking at the creature while Leliana moved around behind the monster.

But the scariest part of the whole encounter was the moment where driver of the demo pulled the entire party back out of range. That’s when the audience knew their worst nightmare: The dragon fights intelligently. Rather than simply lumbering about and chasing the enemy with the highest aggro, the High Dragon decided to launch itself into the air and take on any party member that had drawn its ire. Sword and magic collided with scale over and over again.

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