Dragon Age: Origins Editorials

A few more Dragon Age: Origins editorials have been churned out over at GreyWardens.com, including articles on Templars and Morality, Love and Politics, and Elves in Ferelden. An excerpt about templar beliefs and responsibilities:

We see in the Order of Templars an alternate interpretation of the theme on which the Grey Wardens operate: (do what must be done, no matter what.) And while the Wardens are less controversial in their actions the darkspawn are an unreasoning evil, with little to no moral quandary about them the templars have a far more human target, and consequently a far more contentious mission. As a militaristic reflection of the larger Chantry, templars regard mages as a danger while many, or perhaps most, templars regard mages as merely a potential danger (such as Greagoir), others conform to the stereotypical behavior mages expect i.e. one who judges mages, no matter their tendencies (such as Cullen, after his imprisonment and release). And while some templars are content to let the mages police themselves (Knight-Commander Harrith, at the end of the Mage’s Collective Quest line), others are aware of just how fragile that policing really is.

Certainly, their cautions are not entirely unwarranted. Mages are regarded as one of the most powerful classes in the game, an attitude that carries across into the universe itself in a blending of in-game and out-of-game elements. Mages are indeed powerful, capable of controlling and defeating large groups of enemies at one time. Advanced tactics almost inevitably involve the quick targeting of emissaries and other magic users, if only so the warriors and mages can fight without being hit with Curse of Mortality or having health and stamina shredded by Chain Lightning. Blood Mages are regarded as the most powerful crowd-controlling specialization in the game and furthermore, capable of mind control (as evinced by Avernus) or rituals that greatly augment another’s might (as Caladrius offers to do at the end of the Unrest in the Alienage questline). Having a Spirit Healer on board greatly augments the party’s operative lifespan. None argue that mages are dangerous or, at least, none argue that mages are powerful. Why, then, do so many in the community have a reaction to templars?

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