Dragon Age: Origins Console Mapping Changes, Awakening Screenshots

The editors at IncGamers have posted a few quotes from BioWare’s Fernando Melo on potential changes coming to the button mapping system utilized in the console editions of Dragon Age: Origins:

Currently, Dragon Age console players have to navigate through different layers of a radial menu to access all the options of the game, but Melo said that something had to be done to resolve this.

“As you add more abilities, as you add more spells, the way you can quickly access some of those becomes a little more cumbersome.

“It’s something we’ll definitely have to look at as we expand the game.”

Melo went on to say that although there were no plans to utilise voice control, the company had seen some games which used it successfully.

“We’ve certainly seen a couple of games recently that have used [voice control] pretty well, so who knows? That could be a possibility in the future.”

They’ve also scored four exclusive screenshots from next week’s Awakening expansion pack, leaving you with two good reasons to pay a visit.

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