Dragon Age: Origins Character Update

BioWare’s official Dragon Age: Origins website has been updated with new information, screnshots, concept art, and a trailer for the rogue/bard Leliana.

In Orlais, bards travel throughout the courts of the land, trading entertainment for the hospitality of the aristocracy while simultaneously plying a more sinister trade: Often, they are secretly spies or assassins. Leliana, however, speaks little of her history as a bard, having left her life in Orlaid behind long ago. She came to the village of Lothering seeking refuge in the Chantry, where she has assumed a life of quiet contemplation and prayer to the Maker, asking Him to forgive a life of deeds that her fellow sisters can only guess at. But although it is the last path that Leliana would ever choose for herself, she believes that the tim will soon come to take up that old life once again. A higher calling awaits her, and with it a road to true redemption. The Maker has told her this, and she believes.

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