Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening Reviews

Those of you who haven’t yet procured a copy of BioWare’s recent Dragon Age: Origins expansion pack should check out the most recent selection of reviews to hit the web.

Cheat Code Central gives it a 4.4/5:

BioWare makes great games; there’s no doubt about it. Their games are so compelling, in fact, that gamers are willing to shell out a significant amount of extra cash to extend the experience. I think if BioWare can continually put out expansions of this quality, players will likely buy at least one or two more of them. That being said, I’m not sure how many more expansions we’ll see in the near future; a teaser card emblazoned with the now iconic blood dragon was included within the expansion case, hinting at a date of February 1, 2011. Whether this will be Dagon Age 2 or simply another massive expansion remains to be seen, but whatever it is, we’re anxious for more.

All Age Gaming gives it an 8.0/10:

Of all the returning characters, Bioware picked the ones most likely to offend; including the .ay couple’ blacksmiths and a bi-curious mage that wants to take you away from your royal duties. At the same-time they have referenced Baldurs Gate a lot more and paid a lot of fan service to what the community wanted. Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening is an excellent piece of content, not without its flaws that continues the world of Ferelden so very very well. The closest thing to an MMO on a console, it has shades of the Elder Scrolls and other RPG’s.

HonestGamers gives it a 5/10:

When I had decapitated my last Darkspawn and earned the Awakening epilogue, I was forced to admit that the expansion just hadn’t gripped me in any meaningful way. I wanted to relive the glory of the Origins campaign, to keep playing and remind myself of what a good game Dragon Age really was. I clicked on “New Game” and was immediately presented with a choice: Dragon Age: Origins or Awakening? I sincerely doubt that I will ever choose Awakening again.

And The Electronic Farmyard gives it a 9/10:

Bravo BioWare, you almost lost me with Return to Ostagar but with Awakening it is safe to say I am 100% back on board.

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