Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening Knotwood Hills Profiled

BioWare’s official Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening website has been updated with information about the sinkhole-covered region known as the Knotwood Hills.

To the west of Amaranthine is an area they call the Knotwood Hills, so named because of the dead, gnarled trees that dominate the landscape. For reasons undiscovered, the hills are inhospitable and barren, in striking contrast to the fertile farmland of the rest of the arling of Amaranthine. Violent rockslides on the craggy slopes of the Knotwood Hills have claimed untold lives over the years; there are also stories of sinkholes appearing in ground that seemed stable moments before. Rumor has it that a section of the Deep Roads runs under the hills, and that the structure of these old tunnels is starting to deteriorate. Few men are brave enough, or foolish enough, to investigate the truth.

Two new screenshots are also included.

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