Dragon Age: Inquisition Video Interview

While there’s not exactly a lot of into to get from it, people who are looking forward to the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition (aiming for a Fall 2014 release date) will want to watch this GameTrailers video interview with BioWare’s Aaryn Flynn.

In the course of the 5-minute interview Aaryn confirms that the game is going open-world (though what exactly they mean by open-world isn’t completely clear), and explains that the game will aim for a mid-point between Dragon Age: Origins‘ tactical combat and the more action-y/spectacular Dragon Age II, at least in terms of animation.

There’s also some really really vague info on the upcoming new Mass Effect title and the new IP BioWare has been working on, though to be honest it more or less amounts to actually nothing in concrete terms.

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