Dragon Age: Inquisition Info Tidbits

BioWare social forum user ElitePinecone got some interesting Dragon Age: Inquisition info out of a recent panel about the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series held at PAX Australia by producer Cameron Lee, writer Patrick Weekes, lead editor Karin Weekes, and community manager Chris Priestly.

Here are a few tidbits I’m taking the liberty to quote:

– The DAI artwork of the Inquisitor reaching for a helmet (and wearing rings) is more about a representation of the player being immersed into the game, and that it’s *our* story. This was a theme that they constantly repeated, they want DA Inquisition to feel like “our” story. Cameron said people had wondered a lot about who the helmet figure was, and what the rings were for – he never really explained either of them, though.

– They want to emphasise “an epic story and a world in chaos”. A bigger, broader story like Origins. Cameron pointed to a few of the new creatures in the trailer: one is a new type of demon, the crystal/rock monster thing has a giant club to use in combat, and the thin, skeletal one is called a “Nightmare”. At the same time as a demon invasion is happening from a breach in the Veil, chaos also engulfs human nations and factions as they go to war with each other. The story is a long one (that sounds obvious but it was part of a larger sentence and I forget the second part).

– Another section of the E3 trailer was intended to represent “decisions that matter”. The scene with Varric and the dead bodies actually occurs in the game – a village is destroyed and its people wiped out because of actions that the Inquisitor did, or failed to do. They want consequences for our choices to ripple through the game.

– Lots of exploration, they mentioned Bioware’s history of exploration in previous games and said it was a theme they were returning to.
– The player can explore maps and find new things, including (I have it quoted as, by Cameron) “small dungeons or big dungeons”.

– DAI has a diverse range of environments. Patrick said (like Mike has said at other events) there won’t be the same cave repeated seventeen times, etc. The team went through and listed some, as well as showing all the concept art we’ve seen so far (including the new ones they showed at PAX Aus).
– Desert, swamps, mountains, grasslands, ruins, snowy locations – possibly some more but I didn’t catch them.

– They’re not going to scrap “Bioware-style choices”, and there was an interesting discussion of persuasion options (Patrick said Mass Effect arguably became ‘pick the glowing blue/red option to win’). They want to have *some* other influence on dialogue and choice outcomes, whether that be stats-based, or having certain options require having a particular companion present, or having dialogue or choices dependent on other things said earlier in the conversation.

– Patrick said the best choices are the ones that get people genuinely thinking and debating the one they chose. He wants to write them so that each choice looks “right”, depending on the player’s worldview or philosophy – not just “save the baby or save the warlock”, which are absurdly obvious binary good/evil choices.

– On dialogue:
– Patrick Weekes was talking about the reaction to Hawke and the way dialogue in DA2 was affected by previous things the player had said in the conversation. He said some players found this confusing and that they were looking at it for DAI.
– Patrick also said (unprompted) that they’re aware of the backlash against ME3’s ‘autodialogue’
– People were also occasionally frustrated by dialogue paraphrases in DA2 (where the dialogue option they picked didn’t really sound like what Hawke actually said), Patrick and Karin Weekes had an interesting and entertaining conversation about the difficulty of paraphrasing. It’s an issue that they’re kept in mind when developing DAI.

Spotted on NeoGAF.

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