Dragon Age: Inquisition Coming Fall 2014, First Footage Shown

People that were expecting to get a better insight into the direction of the new Dragon Age: Inqusition (the numbers has been dropped from the title, apparently) at this year’s EA E3 conference will be disappointed, as the trailer that was just shown only shows some cinematics and a few appearance from characters from the earlier games, such as Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins and Varric from Dragon Age II. Have at it below:

The only, extremely vague gameplay information coming from BioWare’s Aaryn Flynn were that the game would feature a “vast, open world” and that, you guessed it, your choices will have consequences that will be felt around the world. Make of that what you will.

In terms of platforms, the game will come to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in the Fall of 2014. That encompasses pretty much every single non-portable platform between this and the next generation with the exception of the Wii U.

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