Dragon Age II The Exiled Prince DLC Preview

The Exiled Prince DLC continues to get near-release marketing, as GameSpot has an exclusive quote-heavy hands-on preview of the release-day DLC, which you may recall is free if you got in an early pre-order for Dragon Age II, and seven bucks for the rest of us.

“All of the quests in The Exiled Prince revolve around a coup that you learn took place in the city of Starkhaven, elsewhere in the Free Marches,” explained Ferret Baudoin, lead designer for The Exiled Prince. “During the coup, all of Starkhaven’s ruling family was killed in a bloody massacre, except one: Sebastian Vael. Sebastian was third in line for the throne of Starkhaven, always overshadowed by his elder brothers. So he led a life of excess–wine, women, and song. In the process, he became a headache for his father, who decided that Sebastian would do better with a life of religious contemplation in Kirkwall.”

“He was an unlikely addition to the Chantry there. But under the benevolent and patient (very patient) guidance of Revered Mother Elthina, he found real faith in the Maker. As a man, Sebastian could never become ordained–only women can be clergy in the Chantry–but as a lay brother, he could still devote his efforts to the Maker. Over the years, he became one of the Chantry’s most devout believers. But this surprising life was shattered abruptly when he heard of the tragedy that befell his family. So he broke his vows in order to reclaim his crown.”

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