Dragon Age II Preview

The editors over at MMOMFG (do I want to know what that stands for?) have cranked out a quick preview of Dragon Age II based on their time with the RPG sequel at last weekend’s Penny Arcade Expo.

Feel the two-hander, be the two-hander Combat will be much quicker, if you choose so; you can still queue up attacks and play as a field general using the skill/inventory wheel. But you don’t have to. This time, however, you won’t be able to just get up and go grab a soda or run to the bathroom as the combat plays out automatically.

New and improved story The plot for Dragon Age II will span over a decade compared to the year and a half that was covered in Dragon Age: Origins. New to the story is the addition of using a framed narrative. A framed narrative is a story told within another story. For example, think back to the Princess Bride. The main story was that a grandfather was reading a book to his sick grandson. The story that he was reading happened to be all about Princess Buttercup.

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