Dragon Age II Legacy DLC Screenshots, Concept Art, and Further Details

Thanks to an update to BioWare’s Dragon Age II: Legacy profile page, we now have three more screenshots, five new pieces of concept art, and some further details about the add-on’s “vicious criminal cartel”, “new breeds of darkspawn”, and more to share with you. These sound… familiar:

Genlock & Genlock Alpha:

Genlocks are some of the most common darkspawn, numerous in the underground. They are creatures of darkness, most at home far below the surface, where they roam in packs led by the larger and more physically intimidating alphas. These packs pose a real danger to anyone foolish enough to venture into the Deep Roads, for they have been known to ambush and slaughter even groups of seasoned warriors.

Hurlock Alpha:

The hurlock alpha is more intelligent than the alphas of other darkspawn types, and far more cunning than the average hurlock. Usually armed with a large, vicious weapon, they have been known to act as commanders on the battlefield, directing and controlling the lesser darkspawn in their strange, brutish way.

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