Dragon Age II: Legacy DLC Reviews

We have three more reviews for the latest add-on to BioWare’s Dragon Age II, which, going by the word of Mike Laidlaw (lead designer on the game), shows that the Canadian developer is listening to feedback.

Blistered Thumbs, 7/10.

In essence how players will feel about Legacy will largely depend on their overall feelings about Dragon Age 2 in general. Personally, I walked away from my time with the expansion feeling like I got my money’s worth, but I also was someone who never found the weaknesses of DA2 ever came close to outweighing its strengths. For someone who absolutely hated DA2, Legacy will do little to change this opinion. On the other hand, for those who enjoyed DA2 but wished it had more closely resembled Dragon Age: Origins, then Legacy could very well be exactly the kind of experience the kind of expansion you are looking for. While Legacy never reaches the heights that such Bioware expansions as Lair of the Shadow Broker or Overlord did, it also never hits the lows of Witch Hunt or The Golems of Amgarrak either. It remains an enjoyable and robust three to four hour experience, one that also hopefully bodes well for whatever future Dragon Age 2 downloadable content is yet to come.

Official Xbox Magazine, 5.5/10.

As far as story coherency, the DLC can be played at any point after settling in at Gamlen’s house or your own, because its inhabitants like all the other enemies in the game level along with you. This means you can actually play Legacy before Dragon Age II’s trip to the Deep Roads if you like; because you’ll be at a lower level, it’ll be easier for your party to coast through the darkspawn horde. Plus, you’ll sport a fancy new power weapon afterward, the likes of which aren’t really seen until the main game’s later areas.

At $10, Legacy is a bit overpriced for its shallow, brief amount of content, but whether it’s worth the money ultimately depends on your interest in the game’s expanded universe. If gaining some really neat insights into Hawke’s genealogy interests you, you’ll find Legacy a solid expedition; if it doesn’t, this DLC may be a fruitless adventure.

And finally, GameTrailers offers one of their review pods, score being an unimpressive 5.9/10. For those who are interested in playing the DLC, be aware that the review contains a spoiler.

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