Dragon Age II German Review Tidbits

A user on the BioWare forums translated review notes from two recent German magazine reviews of BioWare’s upcoming Dragon Age II.

PC Games gave it 88, pros and cons:

+ very well told hero story
+ varied followers, each with their own stories
+ great dialogs with moral decisions
+ exciting boss battles
+ martial-arts-fans should have great fun with possibly the fastest (or fast paced) battles in a fantasy game

– …but old-school RPG players might have their problems with the flurry of activities in battles
– limited class progression with fixed skilltrees
– poor level design with one-to-one copy-pasting of whole quest areas (do they mean, some areas are a carbon copy of each other???)*
– unsatisfying ending

Gamestar gave it 87, pros and cons:

+ thrilling storyline
+ great dialogs and quests
+ coherent / consistent game world

– some fiddly battles
– less epic as DAO

Their conclusion: great RPG, slightly weaker than DAO

* Okay, according to someone who’s got the magazine, with 1:1 copy-pasting they refer to quest areas for sidequests, which Bioware seem to reuse, that is, they take one area, slap a different name on it and sell it as another area. They gave an example (i’m translating here, dunno if the names in english are correct): there is an area called Wilmod’s Camp and another one called Fortified Caves, both identical.

Thanks RPGWatch.

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