Dragon Age E3 Preview

ActionTrip has kicked up a preview of Dragon Age, based upon what they saw of the newly announced RPG at this year’s E3. Check it out:

As far as the game’s graphics are concerned, Dragon Age carries the distinct visual identity of all of BioWare’s titles. The good news is that Dragon Age will be powered by a completely new proprietary 3D technology that will allow full 3D camera movement. This doesn’t just translate into better looking scenes though, as it actually has a lot of influence on the gameplay. The full 3D representation of the game world now allows for vertical movement and actual depth. Certain scenes will have several events going on on different levels (or planes). So if your character is say crossing a bridge like you can see in one of the screenshots, it’s quite possible that there’ll be a major battle going on down in the valley below. Though seemingly not as important, the switch to full 3D will give a much epic scale to the game world and actually make it a lot more immersive by offering new cinematic possibilities that just weren’t there in previous BioWare’s games.

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