Dragon Age E3 Preview

IGN PC has put together a preview of Dragon Age, based upon what they saw of the RPG at this year’s E3. An excerpt to follow:

Our actual demo of the game opened up with a camera fly over of a massive battlefield. Reminiscent of the huge battle scenes from the Lord of the Rings movies, there were tens of thousands of units battling it out down below us as our two heroes, a barbarian mercenary and a priestess-like character walked across a bridge high overhead. For this part of the demo, we were zoomed out to a wide overhead view similar to Baldur’s Gate. Since the game uses a new fully 3D engine, they’re going to use a lot of elevation perspectives such as this in the game, where something may be happening on one level while you’re at a completely different elevation, and you’ll be able to travel both vertically as well as horizontally.

The next part of the demo featured the pair of adventurers deep in a dungeon. To show off the close-quarters, we opted for a tighter third-person view similar to Knights of the Old Republic. This allowed us to get right into the action and see the characters up close. Not only do the character models look impressive, but they’re also very reactive to the environment. We saw examples of eye tracking and our beefy mercenary turn into a scared little baby when he was startled by a flock of birds as he rounded the corner. Okay, maybe he wasn’t so baby-like, but he did jump back when the birds flew toward him.

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