Dragon Age E3 Impressions

HomeLan Fed has kicked up some impressions of Dragon Age, based upon what they saw of BioWare’s newly announced RPG at this year’s E3. A snippet:

The biggest innovation in Dragon Age is the switching, in both gameplay and viewpoint, in combat. Normally the game looks like a typical third person RPG, but BioWare wants to also have the tactical battles that were a trademark of the Baldur’s gate series. In combat mode, the viewpoint switches to a over the top perspective and we got to see our hero and others take on the invaders. We were quite impressed to see that even in this early point of development, the game was capable of showing lots of characters and activity (including fireballs and lighting) without a signnificant drop in framerate. Indeed, we were told the graphics were on the low end of the visual and if they look this good and run this well now we think the final product will be even better.

We also saw another sequencee where the “hero” and his lady companion have a funny exchange ; the lady has apparently lost something she needs for combat and the verbal exchange was quite amusing, which shows that BioWare still hasn’t lost its sense of humor. Even when the banter ended with the rising of a truely huge and nicely detailed monster from the waters, the humor continues as our “hero” once again says he need more cash for this job.

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