Doug Avery Interview

I read over at the official Icewind Dale II website that the guys at Gamer’s Click have conducted an interview with Black Isle’s Doug Avery, in which they shed some more light on the upcoming sequel. A snippet to follow:

    Q: Tell us a bit about the dread foes we’ll be facing. What creatures stand out most for you?

    A: As I progress further and further into the game, I come across more new and unusual creatures that our design team has put in. The Chimera (a three headed beast with a goat’s head, a lion’s head and body, and a red dragon’s head) are extremely deadly. The Will-o-Wisps are pretty freaky, but the Driders (think of a centaur with a spider’s body instead of a horse’s) take the cake when it comes to sheer creepiness. Admittedly, I’m not a big spider fan.

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