DoubleBear ZRPG Teaser Screenshot

To celebrate the holiday season, DoubleBear has released a teaser of a batch of screenshots coming next year.

DoubleBear has a lot of things to be thankful for this year. We’ve been working on a project we’re really excited to be making, we’ve got some really great people building our game, and most of all we’ve had a great response from fans and the press to our announcement of our zombie RPG. We’ve still got a long way to go until we launch the game there’s going to be headaches and hurdles and, I don’t know, maybe something or someone will be set on fire in the process. However, at the start of last year, where once there was no DoubleBear or even the twinkle of a game in our eyes, there is now something starting to take form. There are a lot of people to thank for our progress. First, we’d like to thank the fans, and offer you an early present from us at DoubleBear. In the spirit of ruining Christmas (or holiday of your choice), we’re proud to give you a sneak peek at what’s in the box a teaser of one of many screenshots coming your way next year. Behold!

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