Double Dose of Auto Assault Roadhouse Features

Both and Ten Ton Hammer have released the second installments to their ongoing “Roadhouse” features for NetDevil’s Auto Assault. A snip from’s article:

Biomeks use nanite technology and the remnants of a strict military mindset to tackle enemies head on. The Biomek Terminator enforces the strict policies and doctrines of the Biomek race. They are built for the single purpose of all out destruction and can take and receive enormous amounts of damage. When the Terminator takes some damage the Constructor is right there to patch them up. Besides being the ultimate scavengers of wreckage on the highway, Constructors are able to repair and even revive broken down vehicles. One up for Constructors is that Biomek buffs don’t require everyone to be close by the buffer, only close by another ally; enhancements will spread along teammate in a chainlike effect. Masterminds are similar to the Archons and Lieutenants of Mutants and Humans. They can create two different kinds of summons: bots or mechs. Bots are drones that serve a specific purpose; for example, a laser bot is a bot that moves in front of your vehicle and shoots a laser at any enemy it sees. Mechs are more intelligent with a more refined AI system, though both kinds are useful in different situations. The last Biomek class is the Agent, a class that is trained to observe and eliminate. A lot of their skills are viruses that spread through the enemy; infect one enemy and they will infect any other enemies that they come near. Agents can also launch small recon bots like the Mutant Bloodfly, useful for scouting out an enemy camp.

And a snip from Ten Ton Hammer’s article:

As you level you earn skill points that can then be spent on the skills available at your level. At higher levels you will gain more skill points per level. Every five levels the skill tree opens up allowing you to access more skills on the four skill trees. The skill trees themselves are fully viewable at level 1, with the skills that you cannot purchase being shown in grey. You can only view the entire skill tree while interacting with the NPC that sells the skills.

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