Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #34, $875,314 and Counting

I think I might have spoken too soon when I expected update #33 to be the last one for the Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter campaign before its end, as another one has gone live just now, with a new video and a call to arms to make the last stretch goal happen.

Considering the title was initially hailed as an Ultima VII successor, it’s certainly worth trying:

The last stretch goal

At the time of writing we are around 90K away from reaching our final stretch goal, taking into account paypal and the fundraisers by RPGCodex & RPGWatch.

We’re homing in!

1. If we make it or not to our last stretch goal remains to be seen, but we’re extremely happy already. The results of this Kickstarter campaign have been fantastic and you guys are simply the best!

2. We still have a number of hours to go, so keep on spreading the word. All it takes now to reach the final stretch goal is everybody upping their pledge with 5$, or a few more backers.

3. Here’s why you want that final stretch goal to happen

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