Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #25-26, $646,736 and Counting

Two new updates have gone live for the Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter, and while the latest is simply an invitation to join their Reddit AMA, the twenty-fifth is fairly meaty: not only has the 650k personality traits stretch goal been reached, but a new 700k stretch goal has been added. What is it? Find out in our snippet:

The Next Stretch Goals

Obviously with a stretch goal unlocked, it follows that we start looking at what the next stretch goal is going to be.

At 666K already, we’ll reach a new secret stretch goal in which we’ll lift a tiny bit of the veil that covers a well-kept secret. Don’t expect big announcements, but do expect some of the lore surrounding this particular secret to be released. You can also expect more on THE HINT.

At 700K, there’s of course our newly announced stretch goal, in which Kirill gets an orchestra, and then at 800K, there’s a very big one: Henchmen become companions.

While our henchmen will have more background than what you’ve seen in the gameplay videos so far, upon unlocking the 800K stretch goal full blown companions will be unlocked, featuring complex storylines and adding gameplay to our gameworld. This is a pretty important stretch goal, so we’ll soon do an update to illustrate exactly what it is we want to achieve.

Stay tuned!

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