Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #19, $550,182 and Counting

A new update has gone live for the Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter, seemingly focused on looking back at the campaign’s run and with little to no new information. Here’s a snip:


What an exciting couple of weeks we’ve been having. We’ve been telling a couple of journalists, that didn’t believe us, that we had no idea if this campaign would even reach its goal. “Oh come on,” they said. “You’re just in it for the stretchgoals. Everyone takes half of what they actually want as a funding goal!”

Well we didn’t. We were really amazed to reach our goal so fast, and happy to reach our first stretchgoal.

The success of this Kickstarter does give us a morale boost. It tells us that we’re making something that people are looking forward to, and are supportive of.

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