Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #18, $541,054 and Counting

Burning zombies, lighting tweaks, Facebook likes galore and more are all subjects of the latest Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter update. Here comes the snippet:

Excerpt from “A Source User’s Guide To Adventuring”

“One of the more nasty encounters you can have with the undead, is to be attacked by zombies. Many make the mistake of underestimating these dim-witted corpses and very often they are regretting their hubris as their innards are being drawn from their shredded bellies.

Zombies are slow, yes, but they are highly resilient to most weapons you can carry, and -neither fearing nor feeling pain- they’ll pursue their prey relentlessly. My advice would therefore be to play a little trick on them that makes these putrefying pests a lot easier to deal with.

The trick? Fire! If you are versed in the basics of Source wizardry, conjuring a searing fireball is easy as pie, so cast a barrage of flame and admire your handiwork as the flesh burns right off your assailant’s bones. It won’t be defeated just yet, but it will be a zombie no longer! You’ll now be fighting a skeletal warrior, and you can imagine how much more effective your trusty war hammer, mace or mallet will have suddenly become!”

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