Divinity II: Ego Draconis Reviews

A trio of new Divinity II critiques are up on the web, should you still be considering a purchase of Larian Studios’ RPG sequel.

The Game Reviews gives it a 7/10:

The obvious draw of Divinity 2 is that you can turn into a dragon, and this feature is just as awesome as it sounds. Of course, the epic story, massive landscape, and monster-packed world are nice bonuses as well. Divinity 2 is a flawed RPG, but like I said before, YOU CAN TURN INTO A DRAGON.

Game Revolution gives it a “C-“:

Because of the amount of weaponry with various percentages and random stats attached, the sheer starting difficulty, and learning curve involved in playing this game, Divinity 2: Ego Draconis is not something that will introduce anyone to the genre in a positive way. It’s slow to get moving, it’s nothing like what a console gamer is expecting in an action game or a (normal) RPG, and with the noticeable graphical problems it feels half-way done. It’s a real shame, because it’s a fun twist on the (hero vs. dragon) story with some neat ideas that just don’t make it to fruition. It could have been more, but there’s still a nibble of enjoyment to be had here. But seriously, there’s nothing here to have an ego about.

And GamersInfo doesn’t give it a score:

Divinity II: Eco Draconis brings you on a journey from a Dragon Slayer to the last Dragon Knight in a rich world. The lore and mystery in the game combined with a sense of exploration really let me enjoy my time playing. While the game does have quite a few rough edges, I found myself often forgetting all about those and just having a lot of fun. Whether it was reading people’s minds or swooping down and destroying goblin towns in dragon form, there isn’t anything quite like it. Divinity II is definitely a unique RPG that is worth a try.

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