Divinity: Dragon Commander Reviews

A few early reviews have been released for Divinity: Dragon Commander, Larian’s RTS/TBS/RPG hybrid set in the Divinity universe. It’s too early to have an idea of what the consensus on the title will be, but early impressions are certainly positive.

The Controller Online, 8/10.

Divinity: Dragon Commander does a great job of mixing styles to create a fresh new take on the strategy game. Purists may feel it doesn’t go deep enough in any one area, but its different layers come together to make for an ultimately fun and complete game. If you’re looking for a truly different strategy game, be sure to grab Dragon Commander.

Hardcore Gamer, 4/5.

It’s a shame that so many people are opposed to the idea of a new-direction for the Divinity series. Even if its main story leaves much to be desired and some of its rules aren’t presented particularly well, Dragon Commander is a whole lot of fun. I urge everyone, even skeptical Divinity fans, to give Dragon Commander a shot especially if they’re amused by the notion of a dragon wearing a jet pack.

Games.on.net, scoreless.

Dragon Commander is a hearty strategy title that’s both entertaining and challenging. The RPG elements could be a tad better, but ultimately they serve their purpose well by engaging you in the ‘˜why’ of your bid for world domination, although the single-player doesn’t have much replay value to it. The tactical battles are quick and intense, and they allow you to beat the odds if you’re caught out. The only problem is, you can only fight one battle yourself so choose wisely.

Entertainment Buddha, 8.5/10.

There is much to love about Dragon Commander. The game manages to combine three different genres in a way that each feels fully realized. Gamers of different tastes will surely learn to put biases aside and enjoy each and every aspect of this unique and entertaining game. Larian Studios has succeeded with Dragon Commander in making a fantasy game that dares to be different. Dragon Commander is sure provide hours upon hours of deep strategy that has a little of something for everyone to love.

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