Divinity: Dragon Commander Previews

Should you be interested in reading (or listening to!) more information about Larian’s upcoming Divinity: Dragon Commander we have you covered, with a couple of recent previews.

First, there’s a write-up on Strategy Informer (credit goes to RPGWatch for spotting it first):

Battles are a typical RTS experience in many ways although the base building options are limited, you do build up a base, and any additional outposts you can capture, and then build units and send them out. Everything takes on a very ‘˜Supreme Commander’ mentality to mass produced units, although there’s none of the automation features. Typically, to win a match you have to destroy an opponent, either by grinding down his manpower reserves, or by overwhelming his defences and destroying all of his bases on the map. It can still be very taxing, however: everything is ever so slightly geared towards direct intervention. Granted, even with a poor start, as long as you’re quick you can get things to more or less an even footing, but to give yourself that edge over your opponent (especially if your opponent can also enter dragon form in multiplayer), you need to take your dragon form and get stuck in directly. This is dangerous though as it means you lose the overall strategic picture, for short-term tactical gain. Knowing when to dive in and dive out, when to intervene and when to not, and then balancing all of that with the larger strategic picture… brain training, eat your heart out.

Then we have a video on the game’s RPG elements over at PCGMedia. The video is about 12 minutes long and is, of course, accompanied by plenty of game footage.

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