Dicetiny Kickstarter Begins

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You may remember that about a month ago, I posted about an RPG hybrid game called Dicetiny: The Lord of the Dice by Fakedice; a mix of board, card, dice and video game RPG’s all squished together into a game that looks fantastically bold and bright and practically begging for me to have a go at it.

If you need a reminder of just how gorgeous it looks, then feast your eyes on this trailer. I mean just look at it…


Fakedice have started their Kickstarter project, where they hope to get $30,000 CAD over the next four weeks and usually this is where I feel it is important to tell you how important it is to give indie game companies your support, but I really don’t need to this time. Not after you look over all the stuff you can get by pledging.

Not only is there a mound of digital items, such as different card designs, and dice that are exclusive to Kickstarters there are also boat-loads of physical items to win as well.

You can get your hands on cards, art-books, coins, and a poker deck. There are boardpiece size and 4.7” miniatures and the ultimate is a 12” replica of one of the weapons, which can be used if you’re willing to pledge $3000 CAD.

Dicetiny Miniature Weapons Kickstarter

There are stretch goals that include additional races, classes, MAC and Linux versions, card crafting and an actual board game based on the video game as well as even more stuff.

As I said before there is so much stuff here, it’s untrue, and it’s all designed with the same bold style as the game itself.

If you want to pledge and get your hands on some of these unique items, head over to their Kickstarter page here and have a look.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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