Diablo III Reviews

We have rounded up a few more reviews for Blizzard’s long-awaited Diablo III, and not surprisingly, they’re all positive, when not downright enthusiastic, about the hack’n’slash threequel.

Polygon, 10/10.

Games this thoughtfully crafted don’t happen very often, and the care that Blizzard has taken with Diablo 3 shows in every facet of its design and execution. It might not be perfect, but after 45 hours, I’m not sure where it missteps, and after 45 hours, I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of what it has to offer. Diablo 3 is almost evil in how high a bar it’s set for every PC action RPG to follow, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see that bar remain for a very long time.

Destructoid, 8.5/10.

Even if it’s not a perfect game, there’s something special about Diablo, and it’s something that keeps people playing beyond just a basic addiction to loot. That I’ve already sunk over 40 hours into the game in just over a week and I’m not even close to being bored of it yet is a testament to the magic of Diablo, and something that can’t be ignored.

At the end of the day, fun is what gaming should be about, and Diablo III delivers.

Shacknews, scoreless.

Diablo III is one of those rare games where its faults are easily forgiven because it is so easy to forget about them amidst the abundance of things the game does right. Blizzard was smart in not messing with success by radically redesigning and instead refining it to the point of exhilaration. Now excuse me while I go back to my Nightmare to prepare for Hell.

San Jose Mercury News, scoreless.

That being said, the online connection brings in a new emphasis on co-op, which makes the experience more fun. But then there is the biggest change to “Diablo III’s” dungeon crawling formula — the auction house. This is where the metagame thrives as players strive to build their uber character by putting items up for sale and seeing what peers have to offer. It reduces the emphasis of finding items during dungeon crawls but still manages to keep players coming back. And for “Diablo III,” that’s the name of the game.

PixlBit, 5/5.

At the end of the day, my love for every other element of this game far outweigh the issues with having an always on connection, other than the fact that it would be great to play on my laptop when I’m not near a wireless access point. Diablo III has consumed my gaming life, and I find myself thinking about it all.the.WOW! A Socketed Masterwork Maul of Mashing with 10% critical hit! Why are you still reading this? Go out and buy this game. As for me, I have more clicking to do. Clickclickclickclickclickclickclick..

Mac|Life, 4.5/5.

Diablo III is a great next step for the franchise, opening up the gameplay to a wider audience but stumbling a bit over its dependence to online access.

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