Diablo III Preview and How It’s the Most Moddable Diablo Without Allowing Modding

We have rounded up some new coverage of Blizzard’s highly anticipated third chapter in the Diablo franchise, some of which is probably going to re-ignite the debate about the decision of the developer to implement an always-online requirement for the title, essentially cutting mods and cheats out of the picture.

First is a preview from placeholder:

Placeholder holds the place

Then we move on to GamerFront which has a snippet from a recently conducted interview with Blizzard. It really speaks for itself:

GameFront: While there will be no official mod tools for Diablo 3, does Blizzard condone D3 mods?

Julian Love: There’s no direct intent to say that we don’t want D3 to be moddable. And, to be honest with you, the technology itself, on just a fundamental level, makes this the most moddable version of Diablo there’s ever been.

However, we have these other goals that supersede modding; we want to provide a safe and secure experience for players to play in and trade items in, and in order to do that, we had to make the game online play only. Once we made that decision, that effectively eliminated the possibility of having moddable games, since you’re going to have to connect to our service in order to play. So that’s a slight consequence of our online-only decision.

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