Diablo III ESRB Rating Revealed

With its grim atmosphere and plenty of gore Diablo has never been a franchise suited for children, and the ESRB seems to agree with me in this assessment seeing as they give Diablo III a Mature rating. Here’s the summary:

This is an action role-playing game in which players assume control of a mortal hero (e.g., witch doctor, barbarian, wizard) who must defend humanity from a demonic invasion. From a 3/4 overhead perspective, players traverse dungeons and use swords, axes, and magic attacks to kill a variety of human-like enemies (e.g., zombies, demons, succubi). Battles are accompanied by slashing and flesh-impact sounds, screams of pain, and frequent blood-splatter effects; creatures often explode into bloody fragments as multiple enemies are dispatched at once. Some levels depict burning corpses and dead villagers amid large pools of blood.

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