Diablo III Console Version Preview

Arguing that its control scheme and lack of always-online requirement might just make it the best version of the title, Kotaku’s Jason Schreier pens a preview of the PlayStation 3 version of Diablo III. Here’s a snippet:

To play this version, you move around with the left joystick while using the colored buttons to attack monsters and interact with the world. On the PS3 controller, you can assign attacks to R1 and all four of the colored buttons. You use L1 (and, I believe, L2) for potions. There’s also a new evade command: you can use the right joystick to roll around and dodge enemy attacks.

The takeaway here is that you can move and attack simultaneously, instead of hammering your left mouse button to do just about everything. For a ranged attacker like the Demon Hunter, this is near-revolutionary. It feels graceful. Natural. More like you’re inhabiting your character and less like you’re guiding them from above.

Worth noting: this is the first Blizzard-developed console game in 20 years. You might remember console ports of the first StarCraft and Diablo for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 1, respectively but those were built by external companies. This one is all in house.

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