Diablo II Heads Up Q&A

Here’s some expansion pack info to satiate those D2 (Diablo II) fetishes out there… for the time being. DiabloHappy put together an informative interview with Bill Roper from Blizzard Entertainment on what’s coming in the expansion pack (that I believe is yet to be named, correct me if I’m wrong) featuring 2 new playable chars. Here’s some goop to build up that pre-release arousal:

Q: What is your favorite new skill for the Druid or Assassin?

A: My favorite Druid spell is Dire Wolf. Running around as a half-man / half-wolf creature and attacking the denizens of Diablo and Baal with razor sharp claws is very fun. When you add in a pack of summoned wolves following you around, it is an amazingly fun experience.

In regards to the Assassin, we have recently added the concept of linked martial arts skills that makes playing her incredibly different than any other character class. The basic concept is that you have one set of skills that can be used to set-up or charge-up the character’s martial arts abilities. Then a second set of finishing moves can be used to release that charge.

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