Developer Chat @ UnknownPlayer has been updated with news of a developer chat they will be holding tomorrow with employees of various companies that have created MMORPGs. Here are the full details:

    You have read the Developer Chats… Now take part in the first Public Developer Chat, Thursday at 6:30 PM Pacific. This chat will be very similar to a House of Commons, but instead of talking about a specific game we will be talking about a development topic:

    “What are the most critical features to an MMOG?”

    So far we have the following people scheduled to attend:
    Daniel “Savant” Manachi, Themis Group
    Jessica Mulligan, Themis Group
    Joseph Tringali, Funcom
    Travis Mcgeathy, Lost Continents
    Scott “Lum the Mad” Jennings, Mythic

    If you would like to attend please connect to Irc.Sorcery.Net and join We suggest you try connecting before the chat starts so that you can work out any bugs.

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