“Dev Griefing” in the MMO Genre

Ten Ton Hammer has published a new article that offers one editor’s opinion on how MMO developers “grief” players by implementing bad ideas into their games. One example:

Dev Grief #4 – Poor In-Game Communication Methods

Voicechat technology has been around for a long, long time now- its 100% integrated into online console gaming, even! I realize that some MMO players just don’t like that aspect of the game, but why is it that the 2006 release “Tabula Rasa” is the first MMO contemplating integrated voicechat? Why not allow for it, so raiders who don’t want to be heard can at least listen in on the action without the download and setup steps that some might feel are overly complicated? It needn’t run all the time, perhaps have it toggled on and off by a raid leader.

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