Deus Ex: Invisible War Review

GameBiz has posted a review of Deus Ex: Invisible War, giving the Xbox version an 84%. Their conclusion to follow:

Many long time fans of Deus Ex will take serious issue with the changes found in Invisible War. There’s an unfortunate lack of improvement in the gameplay. Some unfortunate technical issues crop up. The load times between areas are long and frequent no smooth transistions between areas. However the game play offers unparalleled variety and choice in the actual gameplay. Deus Ex2 Invisible War sets precedence for non linear game play and for variety of ways to accomplish missions and to finish a game. Ion Storm have worked hard to present a graphically splendid game. You really are not just a player in a linear game. You choose what side to fight on. You choose how to fight. You choose how the game is played. Deus Ex: Invisible War is the master of storytelling and gameplay excellence.

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